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25 October 2020
Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020
A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020
A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video |
Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn

Cariñena is a small city in rural environment in Aragon province, about 50 kilometres from Zaragoza. Main occupation there is the growing of wine. Many elderly people live in the villages, and many of them had no chance in their youth to visit school for more than a couple of years. Still, after a live of hard work, they are interested in education and learning, and CPEPA Ricardo Sola, the municipal adult education centre in Cariñena, has developed various methods to work especially with the elderly learners. Two of these methods were further developed and tested in the pilots in MobileBE and are presented in the video documentary from Spain.
Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide

The pilot project in Vienna (Austria) started from the observation that in many families with lower levels of formal education, the parent and grand parent generation can be brought into contact with the world of learning through the activities of their children and grand children, especially when this is related to out-of-scool activites.
I want to study for a nurse Motivational course for further studies, with focus on Swedish language

In Västerås, Sweden, we experimented with an innovative course to lead immigrants - mostly from Middle Eastern countries - into learning activities that would then help them to continue their learning in other facilities, be it vocational or academic. In a typical Scandinavian approach to learning, emphasis is on social interaction and mutual support. Course participants step by step grow into the role of teachers themselves.
Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses

In Göttingen, Gemany, we tested an innovative course for assistant nurses in homes for the elderly. As nursing staff is in high demand in Germany, many assistant nurses are working there who need additional training to cope with the extraordinarily high requirements of the job. On the one hand, the care for others often leads to health problems of the nurses themselves due to both physical and mental stress. On the other hand the job requires more and more bureaucratic work to be done, for example with respect to documentation of work processes. This needs reading and writing skills of a specialised kind, including acquaintance with specialised terminology.
Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy

About 6000 Bulgarian nationals live in Hannover (numbers of 2018-2019), some of them students or in academic professions, other employed in low-level jobs such as facility cleaning, food packaging, transportation or construction. Quite a considerable number of them have come from regions in Bulgaria where school education was not provided fully to them, or they are from cultural backgrounds where school attendance of as little as 1-3 years is frequent. Still many of them are in occupation, but they feel the need to improve their reading and writing skills.
Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside

In Mellendorf, a village about 30 kilometres away of the city of Hannover, we tried to offer a course especially for people living outside the urban area and who do not have easy access to basic education offers, for example due to lack of transportation, or for other reasons.
Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria

In the village of Bohot, near Lovech in central Bulgaria, we tested a new way to provide basic digital skills to people usually deprived of both access to computers and to training possibilities. The village has a Roma population of considerable size, and villagers usually have had very low levels of schooling in the past.
Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for a job

In Italy, we tested a new learning and teaching enviroment for (predominantly) refugees with various length of residency, and with varying levels of command of the Italian language. The idea was to help them learn from each other, and thus improve their general education skills with the aim of raising their chances on the labour market, for a self-supported way of life.
(The order of organisations