INFREP - Institut National de Formation et de Recherche en Education Permanente
8 Rue des Tanneries
75013 Paris, France
Website: www.infrep.org
INFREP - l’Institute Nationale the Foramation et de la Recherche sur L’Éducation - is a vocational training center created in 1982 by La Ligue de l’enseignement (www.laligue.org), a large nation-wide adult education umbrella organisation. Its headquarters are located in Paris but it operates at a national scale through its 26 agencies, located all over France. It directly employs about 350 trainers, and receives around 30 000 learners per year, to whom over 2 million teaching hours are delivered.
INFREP’s target public is very large: mainly job seekers and people with a low level of qualification, but also young people wanting to get a diploma through apprenticeship, employees working in companies or public institutions, people who need vocational guidance in order to rethink their career.
To these publics, INFREP provides a large offer of training, which can be summed up as follows:
- Qualifying vocational training in different professional sectors, such as secretariat, hotels and catering, cleaning, health and social, real estate...
- General training: literacy, mathematics, ICT, basic skills, French for foreign people, entrance exam preparation courses…
- Training focused on occupation, in order to find a job or to adapt to a job position
- Specific training, such as human resources management, marketing, skills assessment…
Moreover, INFREP also developed a recognized know-how in the development of training for trainers, specifically in the field of low-skilled learners' training, the main final objective of which is to facilitate social and professional integration as well as autonomy and self-determination of these target groups.
INFREP is involved in a quality process notably taking shape through the ISO 9001 label. It is one the main training providers in France and can count on a network of more than 60 000 companies.
Basic skills training (literacy, numeracy, computer skills, etc.) is one of INFREP’s main fields of work. Indeed, this is the one type of training common to all INFREP agencies (26 agencies covering all the national territory). Moreover, basic skills training modules constitute the majority of INFREP e-learning training offer, gathered on INFREP e-learning platform (Onlineformapro). This platform has notably been conceived for trainees with difficulties in attending regular and face-to-face training sessions.
INFREP, together with the other vocational training centers of the Ligue de l’Enseignement (to whom INFREP belongs), is part of the organizations entitled to implement evaluation and training actions in the framework of CléA, a professional certificate recently created in France by the “Comité Paritaire Interprofessionnel National pour l’Emploi et la Formation” in order to evaluate and enhance job seekers’ and employees’ basic skills. Therefore, INFREP work is currently focused on raising awareness on this certificate, while improving the quality of its basic skills evaluation/training sessions.