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 MobileBE Project
Latest events
25 October 2020

Our 16 pilot projects - briefly presented

Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020

Multiplier Event Online - for Germany and Austria

A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020

See our European picture book

A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video
Galina Lang, the German-Bulgarian teacher, speaks about the educational needs of her course participants

Hannover (Germany)

Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
MobileBE Videos Stills ItalyGroup4 1

Torino (Italy)

Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
Assitant nurses discuss problems of work process documenation

Göttingen (Germany)

Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
A group of local residents visits a Viennese neighbourhood, with a course participant as their tour guide

Vienna (Austria)

Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
Farmer Karl sitting on a hay heap in his rural environment

Mellendorf (Germany)

Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
MobileBE Videos Stills Bulgaria 1

Lovech (Bulgaria)

Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
Classroom with course participants in Västeras, Sweden

Västeras (Sweden)

I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
Miguel is a retired wine grower. Now he learns using a tablet computer.

Cariñena (Spain)

Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
Related Projects

Združenie "Znanie" Loveč

Znanie logo edCG

Сдружение “Знание” Ловеч
Združenie "Znanie" Loveč

ul. Tărgovska 44
5000 Loveč

Website: www.znanielovech.org

Združenie Znanie (Knowledge Association) is a Bulgarian non-profit organization, registered in 1994. It has 54 members (who usually volunteer for the NGO) and a 5-member managing board.  At the moment 22 people are employed on labour contracts and another 10 part-time.

The mission of the organization is gaining recognition for the democratic values in society through providing high-quality, accessible education combined with the national traditions and the European dimensions for lifelong learning.

In the last ten years the organization has been working in the field of youth policies and initiatives, social inclusion of vulnerable groups and labour market initiatives.

Združenie Znanie is a licensed Vocational Educational Training Centre. It has implemented more than 50 projects under EU and national programmes (including partnership projects with local authorities, NGOs, social services providers and educational institutions).  

Annually, more than 500 people are trained in the educational courses and non-formal trainings (such as computer literacy courses, foreign languages, and other key competences trainings).

Apart from the educational services, provided by the VET Centre at the moment (2017) the organization implements the following projects:

  • The Other Generation - aiming at supporting the children (aged 14 – 17) who have parents working or living abroad (economic emigrants)
  • Step to School – project aiming at improving the early education of children of Roma families
  • Springboard for School – national program aiming at removing the barriers to quality early childhood education and improving the access to kindergartens.
  • Equal Chance – aiming at providing equal opportunities for young people from remote area attend school

As educational organization, Združenie Znanie has implemented activities and projects in the field of employability and active labour market measures.
Združenie Znanie has established good partnership with local authorities, the Labour office and the Regional Labour Agency and have implemented successfully vocational courses for unemployed people (being a licensed VET Centre).

Združenie Znanie conducts non-formal courses for NEET young people (Not in Education, Employment, or Training)  aiming at improving their key competences and motivate them to be active. We also work with ethnic minorities and people living in remote areas supporting their social and work inclusion.

The organization is specialized in curricula development, organization and conduction of vocational and non-formal trainings.

Pilot projects presented briefly

Piloting in Västerås (Sweden)

Jazmin Petersson, Västerås folkhögskola, Sweden

Piloting in Cherbourg (France)

Sébastien Dubost, INFREP, Cherbourg, France (Institut National de Formation et de Recherche sur…

Piloting in Torino (Italy)

Claudia Ducange, Fondacione Casa di Carità, Torino

Piloting in Vienna (Austria)

Herbert Depner, Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (Austria)

Piloting in Loveč (Bulgaria)

Svilen Andreev, Združenie “Znanie”, Loveč

Piloting in Cariñena (Spain)

Saray Baquedano, Centro Público de Educación de Adultos, Cariñena/Zaragoza

Piloting in Göttingen (Germany)

Gundula Laudin, Volkshochschule Göttingen Osterode

Piloting in Hannover (Germany)

Christian Geiselmann, Volkshochschule Hannover (Germany)

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