Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas (CPEPA) Ricardo Sola Almau
Las Monjas 27
50400 Cariñena (Zaragoza)
España (Spain)
Website: http://cpeparicardosola.com/
The center “Ricardo Sola Almau” is an Education Center which provides public education to adults (from 18, sometimes 16, until no limit age)
It offers formal, non-formal and informal education to adults from a rural area in Zaragoza (Spain): Cariñena and other 10 townships with adults education classrooms, which are distributed in a radius of 60 km. The 11 townships (localities) have a total population of 30 000. The number of inhabitants and the socioeconomic characteristics are very different between them. As a result of this diversity, the profile of the students who attend lessons and their educational needs are also very different.
- Adult education: elementary education, literacy, basic competences, cultural workshops, languages, drama courses, digital literacy, health education…
- Access to academic qualifications of our education system: Training for access to official qualification courses.
- E-learning: It’s the starting point of a great variety of courses for adults through different platforms. – Aula Mentor is an open education which is promoted by the Spanish Department of Education, Culture and Science. – Moodle: It offers Secondary education, training cycles and competences course. It is a project of the department of Aragon education. – AVE. It is a public Institution created by Spanish country in 1991 to promote the learning and study of the Spanish language
- Professional training: socio-health care for elderly certificate of professional competence.
- Community development: revitalization of social life and community life of our localities by means of encounters, talks, local publications…
- Socio cultural integration of immigrants: Spanish as a tool to achieve social integration with a CLIL approach, intercultural activities.
- Educational orientation/guidance: personalized educational itineraries adapted to the students’ profiles.
- Innovation: Didactic – use of methods to recognize knowledge; adaptation of the portfolio to the profiles- technique – ICT integration in the teachings as a collaborative work tool in order to train and coordinate educators – recognized by the Department of the Autonomous Community of Aragón.
12 hired educators and three civil servants depending on the Education Department of the Autonomous Community of Aragon:
2015/2016 school year: Enrolments: 931. Formal education: 571. Non-formal education: 360
Quality control system: UNE – EN ISO 9001: 2008 - accredited by the Government of Aragón.