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 MobileBE Project
Latest events
25 October 2020

Our 16 pilot projects - briefly presented

Read here short presentations of our 16 pilot projects - basic education offers tailor-made for…
26 August 2020

Multiplier Event Online - for Germany and Austria

A multiplier event for MobileBE will be held - in German language - on 26 August 2020. This is an…
15 July 2020

See our European picture book

A spin-off product of the MobileBE project is a picture book with a collection of artist's…
Pilot courses in video
Classroom with course participants in Västeras, Sweden

Västeras (Sweden)

I want to study for a nurseMotivational course for further studies, with focus…
Galina Lang, the German-Bulgarian teacher, speaks about the educational needs of her course participants

Hannover (Germany)

Welcome to Hannover Language Training as a Vehicle for Literacy About 6000…
A group of local residents visits a Viennese neighbourhood, with a course participant as their tour guide

Vienna (Austria)

Show me your neighbourhood Developing basic skills through being a tour guide…
MobileBE Videos Stills Bulgaria 1

Lovech (Bulgaria)

Education for everyone Computer training in rural Bulgaria In the village of…
Miguel is a retired wine grower. Now he learns using a tablet computer.

Cariñena (Spain)

Mobile phones, computers, tablets You are never too old to learn Cariñena is a…
Farmer Karl sitting on a hay heap in his rural environment

Mellendorf (Germany)

Farmer Karl Literacy training for adults on the countryside In Mellendorf, a…
Assitant nurses discuss problems of work process documenation

Göttingen (Germany)

Care for others – and yourself A basic education course for assistant nurses In…
MobileBE Videos Stills ItalyGroup4 1

Torino (Italy)

Being able to actively participate in society Basic education to get ready for…
Related Projects

CPEPA Cariñena (Zaragoza)


Centro Público de Educación de Personas Adultas (CPEPA) Ricardo Sola Almau

Las Monjas 27
50400 Cariñena (Zaragoza)
España (Spain)

Website: http://cpeparicardosola.com/

The center “Ricardo Sola Almau” is an Education Center which provides public education to adults (from 18, sometimes 16, until no limit age)

It offers formal, non-formal and informal education to adults from a rural area in Zaragoza (Spain): Cariñena and other 10 townships with adults education classrooms, which are distributed in a radius of 60 km. The 11 townships (localities) have a total population of 30 000. The number of inhabitants and the socioeconomic characteristics are very different between them. As a result of this diversity, the profile of the students who attend lessons and their educational needs are also very different.


  • Adult education: elementary education, literacy, basic competences, cultural workshops, languages, drama courses, digital literacy, health education…
  • Access to academic qualifications of our education system:  Training for access to official qualification courses.
  • E-learning: It’s the starting point of a great variety of courses for adults through different platforms. – Aula Mentor is an open education which is promoted by the Spanish Department of Education, Culture and Science. – Moodle: It offers Secondary education, training cycles and competences course.  It is a project of the department of Aragon education. – AVE. It is a public Institution created by Spanish country in 1991 to promote the learning and study of the Spanish language
  • Professional training: socio-health care for elderly certificate of professional competence.
  • Community development: revitalization of social life and community life of our localities by means of encounters, talks, local publications…
  • Socio cultural integration of immigrants: Spanish as a tool to achieve social integration with a CLIL approach, intercultural activities.
  • Educational orientation/guidance: personalized educational itineraries adapted to the students’ profiles.
  • Innovation: Didactic – use of methods to recognize knowledge; adaptation of the portfolio to the profiles- technique – ICT integration in the teachings as a collaborative work tool in order to train and coordinate educators – recognized by the Department of the Autonomous Community of Aragón.

12 hired educators and three civil servants depending on the Education Department of the Autonomous Community of Aragon:

2015/2016 school year: Enrolments: 931. Formal education: 571. Non-formal education: 360

Quality control system:  UNE – EN ISO 9001: 2008 - accredited by the Government of Aragón.

Pilot projects presented briefly

Piloting in Göttingen (Germany)

Gundula Laudin, Volkshochschule Göttingen Osterode

Piloting in Torino (Italy)

Claudia Ducange, Fondacione Casa di Carità, Torino

Piloting in Loveč (Bulgaria)

Svilen Andreev, Združenie “Znanie”, Loveč

Piloting in Hannover (Germany)

Christian Geiselmann, Volkshochschule Hannover (Germany)

Piloting in Västerås (Sweden)

Jazmin Petersson, Västerås folkhögskola, Sweden

Piloting in Cariñena (Spain)

Saray Baquedano, Centro Público de Educación de Adultos, Cariñena/Zaragoza

Piloting in Cherbourg (France)

Sébastien Dubost, INFREP, Cherbourg, France (Institut National de Formation et de Recherche sur…

Piloting in Vienna (Austria)

Herbert Depner, Die Wiener Volkshochschulen (Austria)

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